Deposition Summary
Depositor: Haiguang Liu
Contact: [email protected]
Deposition date: 2016-12-27
Last modified: 2016-12-27
DOI: 10.11577/1345570
Publication Details
Title: Diffraction data of core-shell nanoparticles from X-ray Free Electron Laser
Authors: Xuanxuan Li et al.
Journal: Scientific Data
Year: 2017
DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.48
Experimental Conditions
Method: Single Particle X-ray Diffraction Imaging
Sample: Gold core and palladium shell nanoparticles
Wavelength: 2.06 Å
Lightsource: LCLS
Beamline: CXI
Data Files
Auxiliary Files
Geometry: new.geom (16.36 KB)
Diffraction Patterns: normal-incidence-pattern.cxi (256.42 MB)
Raw Data: r0095-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0097-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0099-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0100-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0103-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0105-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0107-alg1/ (4 KB)
Raw Data: r0111-alg1/ (4 KB)


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