Preliminary deposition of data - postprocessed files. Data was collected during experiment L764 at LCLS (2013), during the water washes between sample runs for a Serial Femtosecond Crystallography experiment. Milli-Q purified water was injected using GDVN at a flow rate of 25-30 uL/min. Photon energy was 6.86 keV. Average pulse durations, as measured by XTCAV, were 26.3 fs for the short pulse duration and 74.0 fs for the long pulse duration. Only pulses with energy 1.35 mJ, as measured by the FEE gas detector were selected. Beamline transmition is estimated to be 40%. The averahe fluence on the water jet is estimated to be 1.35e6 J/cm2. Data structure for the post processed files: 2 text files (for short and long pulses) organized in 2 rows, following python numpy savetxt format: First row - momentum transfer q = (2sin(theta)/lambda) in 1/nm Second row - measured intensity, in arbitrary units **************************** Second deposition of data - raw data files These are raw files from the CXI instrument, organized as follows Long pulse runs (approx 75 fs) cxi76413-r0142.h5 (20.3GiB) cxi76413-r0145.h5 (18.7GiB) cxi76413-r0147.h5 (17.6GiB) cxi76413-r0149.h5 (19.4GiB) cxi76413-r0157.h5 (21.4GiB) cxi76413-r0162.h5 (16.8GiB) cxi76413-r0167.h5 (18.8GiB) Short pulse runs (approx 25 fs) cxi76413-r0188.h5 (59.7GiB) cxi76413-r0190.h5 (57.2GiB) cxi76413-r0192.h5 (31.6GiB) cxi76413-r0194.h5 (30.9GiB) cxi76413-r0198.h5 (16.7GiB)