All runs were collected from silver nonanethiolate ("C9") with 0.69 A radiation and a nominal detector distance of 60mm. The detector shifted slightly during the experiment and so two geometry files are provided, 25-63.expt and 76-97.expt. Raw data is provided in psana format. To read the data in Dials, set the environment variable SIT_PSDM_DATA to the path of the directory `psdm` that contains cxi/cxilv6520. In the locator template `locator/template.loc`, update the path of `spectrum_pedestal`, then copy the template once for each run and replace XXX with the two-digit run number. A phil file is provided for indexing. Update the mask path in the file. For batch processing on the Perlmutter system at NERSC, the following command was used in a 4-node interactive allocation: for n in 76 77 {88..91} {94..97}; do echo $n mkdir -p r00$n/out r00$n/log sed "s/XXX/$n/" template.loc > r00$n/data.loc srun -n 512 -c 1 cctbx.xfel.small_cell_process \ params_1.phil r00$n/data.loc \ input.reference_geometry=geom/76-97.expt \ output.output_dir=r00$n/out output.logging_dir=r00$n/log \ > r00$n/log/stdout 2> r00$n/log/stderr done